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Top 5 Bank using BluePrism

Establishment of an operating model for a Digital Workforce, training of new RPA engineers and implementation of an account opening process

On the strength of a pilot to automate a high-volume account opening process DigiBlu was asked to assist with Client with establishing an internal delivery and management capability for RPA.

For the CoE, Digiblu engaged with the client stakeholders and tailored the Blue Prism Robotic Operating Model (ROM) and applied our own Framework for Virtual operations, deliverables included:
- Strategy formulations for RPA
- CoE Blueprint Designs including Service Model, Operating Model, Capability Model, Delivery Model, Governance Model, Commercial (OLA /SLA model)
- PMO Benefits Tracking and Reporting
- Comprehensive set of policies, processes, procedures, standards and guidelines for Demand, Delivery and Operations management

In addition to the COE design we also trained their staff in the role of automation engineers, process controllers and automation manager.

The DigiBlu team built the account opening automation across 142 screens of their core banking systems and successfully deployed it into production. The results achieved well surpassed the clients expectation's:

Project Numbers


Accounts opened per month


Reduction in processing time


FTE Released

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