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DigiBlu were early adopters of Intelligent Automation and continue to do so with AI - leveraging innovative solutions, experimenting and learning what works.


We don't pretend to have all the answers but we've got smart practitioners with strong methods and a track record of delivery that will figure this out with you.

Vic Gysin, CEO - DigiBlu

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Who is DigiBlu?

Founded in 2019, DigiBlu is a digital transformation consultancy that enables competitive advantage through AI, Automation, and Process Excellence.


Our clients are typically medium-sized businesses across major industries such as Financial Services, Healthcare, Utilities, etc. in both the public and private sector including FTSE-250 and large-cap private equity owned businesses. 


We help companies looking for a reliable partner that understands their needs, designs tailored innovative solutions, and delivers results at pace.

Our Vision

To be one of the foremost independent AI-enabled digital transformation businesses in the UK.


We recognise the pressures that organisations face on a daily basis - competition, cost, compliance, technology advancement and customer expectation - and believe that there is a way to use these to your advantage and establish scalable, sustainable ways of working.

Meet the Board

Vic Gysin
Chief Executive Officer
David Williams
Chief Strategy Officer
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Karen Potgieter
Chief Financial Officer
Jon Hinder
Chief Operating Officer
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Martin McCloskey
Company Secretary

Meet the Exec Team

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Dianne Harris
Head of Process Improvement
Dave van der Westhuizen
Lead Consultant
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Nick Bantick
Head of Digital Solutions
Karl Otto
Head of Development Services
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